BAMnews ~ October, 2002 |
THE BAY AREA MINERALOGIST Greetings fellow mineralogy buffs!* The next meeting of the Bay Area Mineralogists will be Wednesday, November 13th at Foothill College, Rm P-24, Geology Bldg, Los Altos Hills, CA. The program will be: The Ethics of Mineral Collecting - Part II - Marketplace Issues Presented by Zuberman himself, this will be an open forum discussion about the issues that can come up during buying, selling and trading. No firearms please. Last month was the field trip report from our most recent trip to the Champion Mine. Thanks especially to Charles for his interesting commentary as a first timer up there, and to Dan for his wonderful photography. We also spoke about our proposed spring field trip: Darwin and the surrounding area. Lets try to set a date for that trip at this meeting. If anyone has use of a working Geiger counter, could they please bring it to the meeting. One of our own has some potentially hot rocks that they are thinking of grinding down and feeding to mean co-workers and it wouldn't be nearly as much fun if it was just dirt. Seriously though, a Geiger counter's use for an evening would be a kind favor. Hope to see everyone Wednesday, Your friendly neighborhood ethics advisor, Zuberman *The mineral buff's motto is: "The only good mineral is a naked mineral." |