BAMnews, Vol. 1 No. 4 ~ June, 2003 |
THE BAY AREA MINERALOGISTS My associate, Rick K, tells me Len Pisciotta will be ready this meeting to present his materials of his fantastic Namibia trip he took the last months of 2002. My apologies to those of you who received the mailing last month without the last minute change in program. But it was good to see those faces again. There was some luke warm hosting offers last meeting per the summer picnic. Nothing firm yet. Your chance to unload old, tired specimins and bid on great silent auction offerings. Make it happen! Dan Evanich has moved closer to Silicon Valley. Details are: 264 Bangor Avenue San Jose, California 95123 408-362-0892. Lastly, two things of great inport. 1) Our hearty thanks are given to Chris diLeonardo for hosting BAM once again. This has been since time immemorial or at least the six years that I've known about this group. His sponsorship has provided stability, conveniency, warmth and comfort. Thankyou Chris. 2) BAM is looking for a noticeperson. Infact this is the last edition by this byline. (details in May's edition.) So, unless one of you step forward, don't expect to receive a notice next fall. I will gladly instruct anyone on the basics of the job. This is an opportunity for the unpublished poet or the control freak. The editorial license is superb here on the job. Finally, as a last comment directed at the likes of Cooper, Hadley, Magnsco, and Dunning, a tribute such as Cernacite is in order for the hard work of these past five years as editor! See you at the meeting. Joe Cernac |